by optomin | Jul 20, 2023 | kids eye care, paediatric eye exams
Myopia is a common refractive error that affects the ability to see distant objects clearly. As a parent, it can be concerning to learn that your child has myopia or nearsightedness. While it may seem worrisome at first, rest assured that myopia is manageable, and...
by Dion | Aug 2, 2020 | eye test, Eyesight, kids eye care, optometrist, Optometrist Adelaide, Uncategorized
Myopia management in children starts with trying to prevent it developing in the first place. Myopia, or short sighted-ness, is when our eyeballs grow too long for the focussing system we were born with. Our eyes are a fairly rounded globe, designed by evolution to...
by Dion | Mar 30, 2020 | eye test, kids eye care, Optometrist Adelaide
People often ask : is there is a mobile optometrist near me ? For themselves or a relative. Country locations often do not have an optometrist and so there will sometimes be a visiting optometrist. People need glasses. People need eye tests to obtain new glasses or to...
by optomin | Oct 1, 2019 | kids eye care
Are you planning on buying children glasses? Better yet do you need help choosing your child’s glasses? Here is how you can pick or purchase the right eyewear for your kid. For some, the process of picking children glasses is as simple as walking into and out of an...
by Dion | Jun 4, 2019 | eye test, Eyesight, kids eye care
Pediatric Refractive Infantile Nystagmus needs prompt attention. This three month old girl is so long sighted (hyperopic or hypermetropic) that she could not make her eyes focus. Her eyes moved back and forth. . When the eyes move continuously and rhythmically, the...
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