Common Eye Problems in Children and How to Treat Them

by | Aug 18, 2022 | eye test

Vision screening test

If your child has failed a vision screening test recently, you might be at panic. But don’t worry. You are not alone. There are many parents whose children fail vision tests.

Though this may sound stressful at first but is not a big deal. If you want to know what you need to do after a failed vision test, then keep reading.

The first thing is that you need to stop panicking. Your child might just need glasses. However, there can be more severe reasons like lazy eye or misaligned eye. The best thing is to go for an eye check-up.

The check-up will consist of tests that will reveal what eye problem your child is suffering from.

 Near Sightedness (MYOPIA) or Short Sightedness (HYPEROPIA)

It will make a huge difference in the quality of vision. Both these problems are very common and affect the ability to see or read articles, affecting the academics of your child. A near-sighted person sees the near objects clearly while the distant objects appear blurred.

People affected by farsightedness see close objects clearly but cannot see far away objects.

It is the result of the visual image being produced behind the retina rather than on it. The eyeball may be too small, or the focusing power may be too weak. It can be healed with corrective lenses.

An eye examination can detect near-sightedness or farsightedness. The doctor measures the shape of your child’s eye by retinoscopy. Glasses are prescribed specifically accordingly.

Eye misalignment

Your child may be seeing double objects. Kids may continue seeing double and not complain to anyone. That’s why you need to visit an optometrist regularly to check if your child has developed an eye problem.

Getting glasses with prism lenses might be a good idea for eye misalignment. Birth problems, thyroid or cataracts may be the underlying cause. Motion sickness, headaches, eyestrain, blurred vision, or double vision may be symptoms of this disease.

 Lazy eye or amblyopia

If one eye sees comparatively better than the other, then it’s known as lazy eyes. The tricky scenario is when the child has one good eye, which functions well but is resistant to glasses. The action to take maybe patching or therapy. Negligence may lead to loss of vision in one eye.


Ocular diseases like glaucoma are rare in children but occur. The first step will be to visit an optometrist, and after that, necessary action has to be taken. Light sensitivity or vision loss are the most common symptoms of this disease.

Timely treatment of eye disorder helps in eye recovery. Hence, it is very important to go for a timely vision screening test for your child. Getting an accurate eye test for your child is the part where Salisbury comes in.





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