Already Myopic? How Eye Examination Test Treats Myopia At Early Stage

by | Aug 21, 2024 | Eye Care, Eye Exam

How Eye Examination Test Treats Myopia

Short-sightedness or near-sightedness is a common eye health issue, clinically termed Myopia. It typically develops during childhood and sometimes worsens with adolescence. Even though it’s a lifelong condition, its effect on vision can be reduced with proper eye care. 

If you are already myopic, it’s time to maintain your eye health. Check out this blog to learn how an eye examination test treats myopia at an early stage. 

What is Myopia? 

Myopia is a common vision problem that causes users to see objects clearly near them but blurred vision for objects far away. When the shape of your eyes incorrectly refracts light, myopia or near-sightedness occurs. This eye problem is often hereditary and can develop rapidly or entirely slowly, depending on personal health and the external environment. 

It is easier to control myopia in children at an early stage. Neglected myopia can cause eye diseases like retinal detachment, glaucoma, and macular degeneration in the future. We can help you with a quick eye examination test to detect the cause and stage of myopia.

Before you opt for an eye checkup, here are the exact and common symptoms of myopia.

Common Symptoms of Myopic Condition

Although the stage of the myopic condition might vary among different individuals, specific common symptoms might prevail. Here’s what you need to know: 

  • Blurry vision while staring at different objects 
  • Need to squint or partially close eyelids for clear vision
  • Headaches caused by eye strain 
  • Difficulty in seeing while driving at night 

If your child is myopic, it is expected that they might not be able to tell you the symptoms. They might blink excessively or squint their eyes frequently and even complain about not being able to view digital screens or blackboards effectively. 

What are the common causes of myopia? 

The rates of myopia have increased in the recent digital era. Increased screen time is a significant cause behind rising myopic rates. The proper eye care can help you to treat the following causes of myopia: 

  • If your cornea or lens is not evenly or smoothly curved, you might experience a refractive error. 
  •  When your eyeball is longer than usual. 
  • Your cornea is curved too steeply. 

Although the reasons may vary, the effects are common. A Refraction Test is a standard eye treatment provided to diagnose myopia. Here’s how our optometrists can help you. 

What is a Refraction Test?

A refraction test, also known as a vision test, is usually performed during a routine eye examination. It allows your doctor to prescribe lenses that can control your myopic vision. 

Usually, 20/20 vision is considered to be optimum. Individuals with 20/20 vision can read letters that are ⅜ inches tall from about 20 feet away. 

However, refractive errors occur if you don’t have 20/20 vision. The refraction test will help our optometrist prescribe you particular lenses so that you can have 20/20 vision.

A refraction test as part of an eye examination can help to a considerable extent in controlling myopic conditions. 

4 Easy Ways To Cure Myopia 

Spend More Time in Nature

It is advisable to spend more personal time in green spaces, as green spaces can improve one’s vision range and decrease the lifetime risk of myopia.

Sun’s ultraviolet rays can change the molecular structure of your cornea and sclera and maintain a standard shape. 

Maintain a Balanced Diet 

Nutrition is an important element in maintaining eye health. A balanced diet can help increase immunity and harness proper physical growth. Your eyes will benefit if you include fish such as salmon and tuna, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids. 

Reduce Screentime 

In the digital age, excessive screen time can cause myopia at an early age. As a parent, it is advisable to limit screen time for children. As an adult, maintain a regular break from screen time to reduce myopic growth. 

Avoid Addictive Lifestyle 

An addictive lifestyle mainly refers to considerable smoking and alcohol consumption that can negatively impact physical and mental health. Avoid an addictive lifestyle to comply with your eye care routine. Maintaining a nutritional diet will always benefit you and give you a more precise vision in the future. 

Key Takeaways 

To finish on a positive note, a quick eye examination test can help you with an easy myopic treatment. We at Salisbury Optometrist can help you with comprehensive guidance in eye care. Moreover, you can always control myopia with natural measures. Remember that a balanced lifestyle can even cure healthcare problems completely to a greater extent.