Progressive Lenses help a person in his or her distant and near vision. These are more beneficial than the bifocals from the perspective that you need not worry about radical changes in vision that people suffer while shifting from looking through one part of the...
Myopia management in children starts with trying to prevent it developing in the first place. Myopia, or short sighted-ness, is when our eyeballs grow too long for the focussing system we were born with. Our eyes are a fairly rounded globe, designed by evolution to...
If you are over 40 years old and struggling with small print then chances are you have presbyopia. What is presbyopia? Well, this post focuses on this eye condition by looking at what it is and what options you have. It is very common for people over the age of...
Pediatric Refractive Infantile Nystagmus needs prompt attention. This three month old girl is so long sighted (hyperopic or hypermetropic) that she could not make her eyes focus. Her eyes moved back and forth. . When the eyes move continuously and rhythmically,...
In Australia, macula deterioration is a leading cause of sight loss or blindness. This is especially true for people who are ageing or getting older. In numbers, 50% of cases in Australia that touch on severe vision loss and blindness are caused by age-related macular...
Is it just me or did you just blink your eyes? Well, if you didn’t you probably should have. Read on to know why Salisbury Optometrist recommends office workers to blink more often. When it comes to the well-being of your eyes as well as its overall...
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