How the Vision Screening Test changed my life (or helped me see better!)

by | Oct 28, 2022 | eye test, optometrist, Vision Screening Test

Vision screening test

The eye is the mirror of your soul. Looking after your eye health, running regular eye checkups, and visiting an expert eye doctor at Salisbury Optometrist is essential. Everyone must understand that it is a must to maintain their eye health and go for a regular eye check-up every year. As you take care of your entire body, similarly, you need to be attentive enough to your eyes. When you search for a vision screening test, you will find plenty of options. 

Therefore, it is crucial to choose a reliable eye clinic like ours. During the eye examinations at Salisbury, an optometrist can detect the early symptoms of diabetes and high blood pressure that can adversely affect your eyes. Running a vision test helps learn about and avoid any damage that can happen due to a specific eye disorder. Children, as well as older people, must go through regular eye checkups to detect and treat vision disorders such as lazy eyes, short-sightedness, and squinting eyes. The doctors can suggest further interventions if required. In the blog, the readers will learn about the importance of vision screening tests and how they can change people’s lives by making them see better. 

Types of Vision Screening Test 

Doctors perform specific types of vision screening tests during a comprehensive eye examination. Individuals with particular vision issues need to undergo additional testing, for example, testing for color blindness. During a Specsavers eye test, an optometrist will assist you throughout. The specialist will penetrate into your complete medical history and find the vision issues that you might have developed in the last few days or months. 

Salisbury Optometrist comes with the most upgraded equipment to gauge your case automatically and objectively. For example, A tonometer can assess your chances of having Glaucoma by measuring eye pressure. On the other side, a visual field machine can check if any part of your vision is fading away. The optometrist can also measure corneal changes using an autorefractor. The following section will discuss various eye screening tests that Salisbury Optometrist provides patients. 

1. Glaucoma Test 

High intraocular pressure is a significant risk factor for developing Glaucoma. Here, the optometrist performs a diagnostic test to examine your eye pressure. If left untreated, Glaucoma can permanently damage your eyes by affecting the optic nerve. Eye specialists can treat your Glaucoma if the doctors can detect it early. 

Our principal test is done by a non-contact tonometer that uses an air puff before your eyeball, and you have to stare at a light source. In some cases, the doctors might suggest a glaucoma test by putting a numbing drop in your eyes. The process is smooth and painless.

2. Colour Blindness Test

The color blindness test detects red-green color blindness. The process involves identifying a series of color-spotted pictures. The doctors show figures in the form of one or more numbers or Arabic digits in the pictures, made of multiple spots in slightly different colors. If you have normal color vision, you can indeed identify the numbers individually, but color-blind people can not detect the numbers. 

3. Perimetry Examination 

In perimetry examination, the doctor will use a threshold perimeter or visual field test if it feels necessary to check for blind spots in the patient’s peripheral vision. The blind patches can indicate the onset of Glaucoma or detect brain damage because of a stroke or tumor that might have happened. 

4. Refraction Test

When you visit an eye specialist to have a corrective lens prescription, the Vision screening test ensures that the prescription is accurate. The test determines diseases like farsightedness, nearsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia. The doctor uses a phoropter instrument for the test. They put the machine in front of your eyes while checking a variety of lens choices. After the thorough check-up, you can tell the doctor through which lens you can see the clearest. Depending on the accuracy, a doctor might prefer these tools.  

5. Cover Exam 

The cover exam allows doctors to check your eye alignment. In the test, you have to cover one and stare at a section of an eye test chart. You may need to see beyond the room to view an object. The patient needs to go for the test, both far and near. The doctors can also make you see something close to you. In the test, the doctor looks at whether you have symptoms of a specific eye disorder. The doctors will see how much your eyes can move to check the object. The cover test is a simple routine of an ophthalmology eye test at Salisbury. This is a fast test process to decide how well your eyes operate together. The cover test identifies strabismus, which can later result in amblyopia, binocular vision issues, or poor depth perception. 

6. Pupil Dilation Test

The doctors might use the test to visualize your internal eye structure better. The doctor will put eye drops into your eyes that dilate your pupils. Dilated pupils can make your eyes more sensitive to light. You need to wait for 20 to 30 minutes after putting eyedrops before the doctor can examine your eyes. The patients may use sunglasses when they leave the clinic after the eye examination test.

7. Slit Lamp Test

In this eye examination, the doctor uses a binocular microscope to have a better image of your internal eye structures. A doctor can assess your eyes’ health using a slit lamp. The enlarged image of the eye structure allows the optometrist to find signs of the disease or infection. The test offers high magnification and spots abnormalities. Individuals might do the test as part of a routine test. 

Medical experts examine the structure of the eye, including the front part of the eye, cornea, and iris. In the Specsavers eye test, the doctor checks the inner optical structure once the pupils have dilated sufficiently. The doctors can also recommend it if they suspect specific eye problems, such as diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, corneal ulcers, and cataracts. 

8. Applanation Tonometry 

Applanation Tonometry is a diagnostic test that measures intraocular pressure and the fluid pressure inside your eyes. The process helps to diagnose the risk of developing Glaucoma. Eye doctors might suggest this test to confirm the issue if other eye tests indicate possibilities. Other symptoms include peripheral vision, blurred vision, tunnel vision, severe eye pain, and reddened eyes. The instrument for measuring intraocular pressure uses a flat-tipped probe against your eye surface. Other applanation tonometry methods are also available, although these processes are less accurate.

Maintaining Your Eye Health

You will experience various physical changes throughout your life. Optometrists and ophthalmologists advise regular eye checkups even in case you don’t experience any problem with your vision. Many individuals need more than only vision screening. A comprehensive eye dilation exam is necessary. Specific optical situations might develop without showing many symptoms. A thorough Vision screening test is crucial for the early detection of diseases, leading to early treatment. It would help if you remain very careful about your eyes and keep records of minute changes that happen to your eyes. Even if you observe the slightest changes in eyesight, you must immediately report it to your optometrist. 

Final Takeaways

The blog has discussed all the screening tests that Salisbury Optometrist conducts to check up on the patients to identify any kind of optical issues. If you are suffering from any eye-rated disorder, you must not delay and contact us immediately. The medical professionals will guide you with the proper treatment procedure after diagnosis. It is advisable to the readers to consult our expert professionals for more advice and suggestions.