Visual impairments are common after a stroke and are often experienced by half of stroke survivors. Certain visual impairments directly reduce your vision, while others can be harmful to your brain. Regardless of the specific type of vision loss, the proper eye health treatment can help.
As part of National Stroke Week, which started on August 11, medical institutions across Australia have raised awareness for stroke treatment and recovery sessions across the state.
At Salisbury Optometrist, we can offer the best vision screening test for individuals suffering from eye problems after a stroke. Continue reading this blog to know more.
How Can A Stroke Affect A Vision?
Vision problems caused by cerebral stroke vary among individuals, depending on health, immunity and previous or existing medical conditions. The common eye problems include:
Dry Eyes and Light Sensitivity
Cerebral strokes can cause dry eyes and sensitivity among affected individuals. They can develop issues with blinking or closing their eyes. Dry eyes can cause irritation, vision blurriness and pain upon being exposed to stress.
Light sensitivity is a common issue among stroke-affected individuals. They can become disoriented by bright and low light. This can increase vision blurriness and contribute to extreme eye pain at times.
Eye Movement Disorders
Your optic nerve and muscles around your eyelids can be affected after a stroke. Our eye care doctor can actively help with treating eye movement disorders. Common eye movement disorders involve:
- Diplopia or Double Vision
- Strabismus or Eye Turning Inward and Outward
- Oculomotor Dysfunction or Tracking Issues
- Nystagmus, or Rapid Movement from side to side
Spatial Inattention
Spatial inattention refers to brain neglect of vision. This condition occurs when the brain refuses to process vision on the side affected by stroke. If the stroke has impacted the right side of the brain, the neglect would be on the left eye.
Scotoma causes any obstruction or blind spot anywhere in the visual field. This can hamper mobility and reduce personal flexibility.
Visual Field Loss
Your visual field involves everything you see. Vision field loss can occur in one or both eyes, and the brain can’t process images from one area of vision. A quick vision screening test will help in identifying whether your eye problem is due to vision field loss.
How To Recover From Vision Problems After A Stroke
Visual Scanning Training
Visual scanning training can be applied to recover from visual field loss. This aspect helps you look at your left and right sides more efficiently. This eye care method is designed to improve the speed and accuracy of your eye movement.
You can read using edge markers on books and newspapers and switch digital devices into readable modes.
Eye Movement Excercise
Eye movement exercises can help treat spatial inattention. Exercise can also help treat the difficulty of moving your eyes by looking at objects close to your face. Our eye care doctor can assist with ways to place prisms to cure double vision and treat one-sided visions.
Providing Patch Over Defective Eye
A patch over an eye can avoid double visions. This will be easier for you to see by using only one eye with monocular vision. However, with the proper guidance, this method might suit you. You can consult our optometrist to find out which process suits you the best.
Clock Rotations
For mastering directional gazing after stroke, try the clock rotation technique. Look directly at 12 o’clock without moving your head. Holding there for 3 to 5 seconds might feel a gentle stretch in your eye muscles before moving forward to a relaxed gaze.
Overall Vision Therapy
The type of vision therapy will vary according to the nature and severity of eye problems after a stroke. Our vision scanning involves eye exercises to improve visual awareness among both affected individuals and their caregivers.
With our extensive vision screening test, you can regain your visual mobility and relieve pain and blind spots. The right vision screening test will also help you identify and treat other eye problems that have been occurring after a stroke.
Wrapping Up
If you are experiencing vision problems after a stroke, consult us for the right guidance. Some vision issues may get better in months immediately after your stroke, while others may take longer.
We at Salisbury Optometrist can offer you the best eye test examinations and eye health care for regaining your vision. Neglecting can never be the solution, but taking a quick eye checkup can help. Connect with us for comprehensive eye care.