Different Aspects of Using Progressive Lens

by | Mar 6, 2024 | progressive

Using Progressive Lens

With gradual ageing, people develop poor eye health. People above 40 years old are highly vulnerable to developing myopia, astigmatism, and many eye diseases. Many aged people experience simultaneous nearsightedness and farsightedness. Progressive glasses are the best way to solve this problem. 

People are more aware of using bifocal glasses than using progressive glasses. What you might not know about progressive lenses is that these are an advanced version of bifocal and trifocal lenses. This article will offer you more insights about the different lenses and associated aspects. 

What are Progressive Lenses? 

Progressive lenses are specially engineered lenses that aid in focusing close, intermediate, and faraway objects. The lenses have different magnifications from top to bottom across the glass, which offers a seamless experience when viewing objects. The top, middle, and lower sections of the lens are effective for viewing faraway, intermediate, and close objects, respectively. 

There is no visible borderline between differentiating the levels of magnification. However, you must adjust your vision to view objects at different distances. The best part of using progressive lenses is that you don’t have to carry multiple glasses to read books and travel. A pair of progressive glasses allows you to use one spectacle throughout the day and night and do all the daily chores and work without experiencing any eye irritation or poor vision.

How is Progressive Lens Different from Bifocals? 

Progressive lenses are advanced versions of bifocals or trifocals. The technology offers users comfort, experience, aesthetics, and ease of wearing glasses. 

Without Marked Lines

Unlike bifocals and trifocals, progressive glasses do not have telltale transition lines. You can feel confident in wearing progressive glasses, as you will not look old. Salisbury optometrists suggest users wear progressive glasses if they have high prescription power and are required to wear glasses outdoors and indoors.

Cost is Comparative

Progressive glasses are costlier than bifocals and trifocals. However, Salisbury Optometrists suggest different brands of progressive glasses, which reduce the overall price of the glasses. When it comes to choosing between comfort and price, the reputed optometrist suggests moving ahead with ease, as any discomfort in the eyes can leave a hazardous impact in the long run.

Aesthetics is The Key

The presence of marked lines in bifocal and trifocal glasses ranks low in aesthetics. Owing to this, many people prefer wearing glasses only to reading books or watching anything at a distance. Adjusting normal vision impacts eye health and makes wearing glasses a must to do. 

The progressive lenses do not have any transition lines separating three different levels of magnification. Thus, you will not feel ashamed of wearing the glasses. Salisbury Optometrist offers stylized frames with glasses to enhance your personality and provide comfortable vision.

Comfort Soothes Eyes

Discomfort in viewing through marked lines of bifocal and trifocal glasses creates irritation and mental stress. Many times, people experience blurriness and change in image size while viewing through different transitions of prescription powers in glasses. Therefore, responding to any cues becomes a challenging task. The abrupt discomfort makes people stressed and depressed.

Progressive glasses are a solution to the problem. After the initial days of wearing the progressive lenses, you will not face any blurriness, image jump, or utter discomfort. Using the same glass, you can read books, watch movies, experience natural beauty, and maintain daily chores. Salisbury Optometrist recommends choosing the best brand of progressive glasses and glass frames so that your prescription powers remain under check for years to come.

Key Aspects of Wearing Progressive Lens 

Without any visible lines, progressive glasses offer a transition of three types of prescription powers in the same glass. The top, middle, and bottom sections are best suited for viewing objects at faraway, intermediate, and close distances. 

You have to train your vision in the initial few days to view through the glasses. When you read a book, you have to look through the lower part of the glasses. When you look at objects far away, you have to look through the upper side of the glasses. Looking at any object at intermediate range requires viewing through the middle portion of the glasses. 

You need to adjust your vision through progressive lenses in the initial few days to avoid peripheral distortion. If you look through the glasses from side to side, you might feel off-balance or experience mild nausea. Looking at your steps through the upper side of the glasses may make your legs appear larger than usual in the initial few days. 

Nevertheless, when your eyes and vision become accustomed to seeing through progressive glasses, these issues will disappear. If those persist for more than five days, you must contact a Salisbury optometrist for consultation and necessary support. 

Benefits of Wearing Progressive Lens 

  • One key benefit of wearing progressive glasses is that you do not have to carry multiple glasses if you go to a friend’s place. 
  • You can easily view objects at different distances despite having three different prescription powers. 
  • Salisbury Optometrist provides stylized frames that will give you an elegant personality irrespective of age. 
  • You can get rid of wearing bifocal and trifocal glasses and attend social events with more confidence.
  • Salisbury Optometrist offers progressive glasses of different prices and brands as immense options to choose from.


The eye is a delicate organ directly connected to the central nervous system. Therefore, you should treat any irritation in the eye with proper care. Consult with your doctor in case you experience headaches, eye rashes, blurring vision, or other relevant issues. Salisbury Optometrist is an easy solution to any optical issues. If your doctor prescribes progressive glasses to wear, Salisbury will guide and advise you to choose the right brand and follow the necessary steps so that you see the beautiful world through clear vision.