The Importance of Customized Progressive Lens

by | Apr 15, 2024 | optometrist, progressive

Customized Progressive Lens

Technologies and medical innovation have helped civilization sustain and progress. Modern ocular science has gifted us with another technological asset: progressive eyeglasses. This article delves deeper into various unknown factors and aspects of using progressive lenses. Knowing this information will help you experience the optimal benefits of technology in living a happy and healthy life.

The Progressive Lens and Its Importance

The most common lenses we wear have only one correction, either for farsightedness or nearsightedness. They have only one focal field. However, as we age, our eye muscles become weak, and we fail to focus on objects nearby correctly. 

Therefore, if someone has myopia and cannot focus on near objects due to age, the person will require eyeglasses with two focal fields: one for focusing on nearby objects and the other for focusing on faraway objects. 

Similarly, some people find it difficult to focus on objects at nearby, medium-range, and faraway distances. To overcome this, they need a pair of lenses, each with three correction powers for focusing on nearby, midrange, and faraway objects. In medical jargon, we call these lenses progressive lenses.

The eye specialist determines the corrective power and focal fields of progressive glasses after a thorough inspection of your eye health, reading behaviour, body posture, daily routine, and other crucial information. The sole aim of prescribing progressive lenses is to help you see the world with comfort while making minimal adjustments.

Five Key Aspects of Progressive Lens 

Before you start using progressive glasses, you must know the five crucial aspects of the lenses. This information will help you understand the initiatives you have to take to make better use of the technology.


Adapting to using progressive lenses may take minimal time, from a few days to a few weeks. The ocular system works by interacting with the brain by transferring the received signals. If you have high prescription power and your brain needs time to process signals, adjusting to using the glasses may take longer.

Lens Size

Progressive lenses are mostly 30mm tall. Therefore, you must choose the eyeglass frames that can accommodate the lens size and field views needed for developing the customized progressive lens. However, if you prefer small eyeglasses, short-corridor lenses are the perfect match.

Field View

The Progressive glasses have three different field views for faraway, mid-range, and close-up vision. You must adjust your focus and posture to see through the three different focal planes. The best way is to point the nose in the direction you want to see.


Progressive lenses are costlier than standard lenses. However, with the extra money, you can customize the lenses according to your viewing habits, reading style, digital screen use, and various other factors important to your lifestyle.

Expert Assistance

Fitting customized progressive glasses requires assistance from an optometrist. The optometrist will suggest the different sizes of focal plane you need for different magnifications based on your profession and daily routine. 

The progressive eyeglasses must have wider midsection for people who spend most of their time working with computers. Retired people who enjoy reading books require wider lower sections, and people who spend most of their time travelling and driving require a wider upper section. 

How to Adapt Using Progressive Lens 

You must wear progressive glasses regularly to adjust to them gradually. Your brain and eyes need time to adjust and coordinate the signals received by viewing through different magnification levels of the glasses. Here are some tips to follow.

  • It helps to point your nose in the direction you are seeing. If you look at a faraway object, pointing the nose in that direction will automatically keep your chin up and make you view through the upper level of progressive glasses.
  • While working on the computer, make sure the screen is below your level of vision. It will help you focus on the screen through the lower section of the progressive glasses.
  • Wear a close contact glass frame if you opt for progressive lenses. The frame will keep your focus intact all day. Seeing through the right magnification level will soothe your optic nerves, give you comfort, and keep your eye healthy. 
  • Keep your head straight at the time of reading books, look through the medium plane while walking on stairs, and make a habit of facing objects you want to view. 


Consult with the expert eye specialists at Salisbury Optometrist to understand if you need to wear progressive eyeglasses. They will conduct a precise eye health checkup before coming to any conclusion. Optometrists need to know your daily work routine, the lifestyle you maintain, the reading time you devote, the travelling or driving frequencies in a day, and critical information such as your body posture, age, eye health, and others. Customized progressive eyeglasses are essential to get clear vision and comfort in daily pursuits. The guidance of expert eye specialists will help you embrace the benefits of innovative technology with ease.