Eye Care Tips: How to Take Care of Your Eyes and Prevent Vision Problems

by | Nov 24, 2022 | eye test, optometrist

eye test appointment

The eye is one of the most crucial sense organs of the human body. The brain’s frontal lobe is directly connected with the eyes of humans. Therefore, any defects or irritation in the eyes can impact the overall nervous system. The reverse analogy is also true for eyes. That is why many patients suffering from diabetes develop a poor vision. Many critical operations directly impact the health of the eyes. But how to take care of such a delicate organ? The article discusses a few tips to help you take care of your eyes by taking simple measures.

Give Your Eyes Periodic Rest

Eye strain is the key reason for developing eye fatigue. It results in poor vision, irritation, and other complications. You must give your eyes rest after some time of constant focus. If you work on a computer and gaze for a long time at the screen, you will develop eye problems. That is why you must follow the 20-20-20 rule. You must rest your eyes for 20 seconds by looking at 20 feet in front of you for each 20 minutes you work. This will help you avoid focusing deeply on the digital screen or other objects, which can cause eye strain. 

Clean Your Hands and Your Contact Lenses Regularly

Many times we become unaware of touching something infectious. The eyes become contaminated if we use the same hand to rub our eyes. It can cause severe eye problems. To avoid such instances, you must repeatedly clean your hand with soap or hand wash. You must develop a habit of cleaning your hands before touching your eyes.

Apart from this, many of us forget to clean our contact lenses regularly. If you are wearing a contact lens, you must maintain the routine procedure of putting it in the solution and cleaning it regularly. Otherwise, there is a high chance that your eyes will be infected and become reddish. 

Undergo Routine Eye Exam

Do not forget to make eye test appointments for routine checkups. You must try to go for an eye checkup once a year or once in two years. It will help you ensure better eye health. 

As we become habituated to coping with eye irritation or vision problems, we overlook crucial issues. Suppose you have developed poor vision, but you adjust your eyes to make your body accustomed to poor vision. In that case, if you do not schedule an appointment for an eye exam, it is very difficult to find out that you need eyeglasses with powers to get clearer vision. If you continue viewing with poor vision, you might develop severe eye issues within a very short time. 

Maintain Your Blood Sugar Levels

90% of blindness caused by diabetes is preventable. But how would you know if you are developing a risk of eye impact due to diabetes? There is only one way out. That is making an appointment for an eye test. The doctors will ask you to do three tests if they suspect that your eye problems are due to high blood sugar levels.

These three tests are A1c, blood pressure, and cholesterol test. The A1c test measures your average blood sugar levels over the past three months. The blood pressure test will identify if your blood pressure is above or below 140/90 mmHg. The cholesterol test will identify the percentage of bad cholesterol, i.e., LDL, and good cholesterol, i.e., HDL, present in your blood. 

The above data will help the eye specialist recommend appropriate treatment and procedures to ensure good eye health. 

Know Your Family’s Eye Health History

Many eye diseases are hereditary. If anyone in your close family circle suffered from eye diseases or poor vision, you would have a high chance of developing such diseases. Therefore, knowing your family’s eye health history holds great significance. Become aware of such information and communicate the same with your eye specialist. The doctor can then make a better diagnosis and suggest necessary measures to keep the eyes healthy.

Maintain a Balanced Diet

If you make an appointment for an eye test, the eye specialist will suggest maintaining a proper diet to keep your eyes healthy. They would suggest consuming food that is rich in vitamin A. They will also recommend eating carrots, leafy vegetables, fish, and necessary supplements so that the body system keeps the eyes healthy. 

Stop Smoking

Smoking is not at all good for your health. It is also dangerous for the eyes. When people smoke, they intake carbon and other harmful particles. Due to smoking, people develop key eye diseases such as macular degeneration, cataract, and optic nerve damage. If you have started smoking, you must stop it immediately.

If you have developed eye problems, you must tell the eye specialist how often you smoke. It will help the eye specialist to understand your lifestyle and other habits. They will be able to understand the risks of developing eye problems. It will help them suggest better treatment and provisions to prevent harming your eyes further.

Wear Protective Shades

To prevent eye injuries, you must wear protective glasses. You should wear protective glasses when playing sports, working in factories and construction sites, doing repairs, etc. The protective glasses are made of polycarbonate and are ten times stronger than plastic. They are not made of glass. So, you can expect some unclear vision. Wearing protective glass is mandatory in hazardous working conditions, which can impact your normal vision and eyes. You can avail of the protective glasses at optical or sports stores.

If you want relief from harmful UV-A and UV-B rays of sunlight, you can opt for wearing sunglasses. It will soothe your eyes under the scorching heat. You can take good care of your eyes by wearing sunglasses during the day.

Practice Workplace Eye Safety

Employers working in factories and offices must be provided enough scope to care for eye health. The workplace must be illuminated with enough light that will not strain the eyes. In factories requiring working with light sparks, fire and heat, the workers must be instructed to wear protective shades. Apart from this, they should be encouraged to schedule appointments for eye exams and take good care of their eyes.

These are the key measures any individual should take to take care of their eyes. If you find any eye irritation or issues, you should consult an eye specialist. If you delay fixing an appointment for an eye test, you will cause the eye problem to develop more severity. The sooner you take assistance, the better it is for both your eye specialist and you.