Few believe eye examination tests are only required for people with vision problems. If you have been experiencing blurred vision, you need an eye exam. However, if you think you have perfect vision, you still need to have your eyes checked periodically, as some eye conditions are asymptomatic in the early stages, making it impossible to detect without an eye examination test.
Vision tends to degrade as a person ages. Eye doctors can detect the problems and recommend the necessary treatment to prevent them from worsening. This article will discuss five reasons why eye exams are important and why you must have annual eye exams to safeguard your health and wellness.
5 reasons why eye examinations are important
1. Eye check-ups help children succeed
It is said that 80% of what children are expected to learn inside and outside the classroom needs good vision. An annual eye check-up is the only way to ensure that your child can see clearly and comfortably in the classroom, helping them learn and succeed in their studies.
2. Myopia is becoming an epidemic
Children who develop myopia (nearsightedness) very early in life tend to experience a worsening progression of nearsightedness that continues throughout childhood, putting them at significantly greater risk. These risks might include cataracts, glaucoma and retinal detachment.
Annual exams can reduce the risk of myopia. When detected earlier, myopia control measures can slow down the growth of myopia and it also reduces your child’s risk of developing serious eye problems in the future.
3. Vision screenings are not the replacement for an eye exam-
Vision screenings screen out individuals eye, who have serious vision problems. Screenings can identify problems a person may have with specific visual tasks, like seeing chalkboards clearly in the classroom.
Only a comprehensive eye examination by an ophthalmologist can ensure your vision quality.
4. Early detection of glaucoma is important
There are no noticeable symptoms in most cases of early glaucoma as it is very sneaky. People who do not go for a routine check-up develop glaucoma and become aware of it only after they have sustained permanent vision loss from the disease. By that time, controlling glaucoma will become very difficult. Without medical treatment or glaucoma surgery, the disease can lead to blindness.
Detection of risk factors for glaucoma is possible only with routine eye check-ups.
5. Eye check-ups can detect serious health problems
Through an eye examination, doctors can detect health conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and even cancer. Your doctor can observe and evaluate the health and condition of the blood vessels during a comprehensive eye examination. Annual eye check-up is especially important for anyone who is having diabetes.
How often should you have an eye check-up?
Every two years, you must have an eye- check-up, particularly if you are between the age of 6 to 20 when vision changes are common. People who are farsighted or nearsighted experience vision changes during this time of their lives.
You should have an eye examination yearly if you are older than 60.
It is essential to visit an eye specialist more frequently if you are experiencing any of the following mentioned below-
- Blurry vision or loss of vision.
- if you observe small spots or eye floaters in your vision
- Or if you’ve been diagnosed with significant health issues, including diabetes, high blood pressure, or thyroid disease
It is essential to check your eyes regularly, even if you do not experience any vision or eye problems. At Salisbury Optometrist, you get expert ophthalmologists who can detect your problems easily which will only help you with your vision.